Lead Guru Don Runge Referrals The Advanced Approach

"The Advanced Approach" audio only available via Immediate digital download

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"The Advanced Approach" digital audio on Referrals.

NEW "The Advanced Approach":
Step up your lead prospecting training. "The Advanced APPROACH" was created as a sequel to Don Runge Live! Two hours of advanced prospecting training that will help you master the referral process. Like having a MS Degree in Activity Lead Prospecting where you learn:

  • How to use a 9-step process
  • Market your way in, sell your way out, refer your way back in
  • How to create initial and on-going relationships
  • How to use a marketing approach to set appointments
  • How to use a non-qualified lead to create semi-qualified leads
  • How to use a need/lead identifier tool to create more and better leads
  • How to work event, product and targeted list leads
  • How to build 1000 leads in one year

Media Format: Audio Only
Product: Digital Download
File Format: MP4
File Size: 492MB
Duration: 02:33:49 (2 Hours 33 Minutes and 49 Seconds)


  • 01 The Advanced Approach Introduction
  • 02 The Advanced Approach The Warm Approach
  • 03 The Advanced Approach Qualifies Lead Prospecting Strategy
  • 04 The Advanced Approach Introduction Leads Are Marketing Tools
  • 05 The Advanced Approach Introduction Energize Marketing Process
  • 06 The Advanced Approach Introduction The 9 Step Process
  • 07 The Advanced Approach Introduction Sponsorship is the Golden Nugget

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